Sunday, February 26, 2012

Its been a rough year Lone Peak, Lets stick together and reach out to everyone.
Miss you guys..

Life and Death

Well Nelson, I think you have succeeded in giving us the most vague topic you could possibly think of. However due to events that have happened over the past few days I have allot relativity speaking.  Last Friday February 24, 2012 I lost a friend who meant allot to me all because of a decision he made based off circumstances in his life. He made a bad decision and because of an unintentional mistake he lost his life. Maybe it is because I have been so blessed in my life when it comes to family and based on the fact that I have not had to deal with stressful home life and wondering if I was loved by family. What ever it is I just cant understand how or why you would mess with something that is so dangerous and if miss calculated you could die. I just don't understand. Its like putting a gun in your mouth, pulling the trigger and hoping that the gun is not loaded. Anyways I just want you all to know that I am especially grateful for my family, friends, and my amazing girlfriend. If any of you are having a rough time let me know and I'm here for you guys.
R.I.P. Jake I miss you and keep you and yours in my prayers.  Thanks for being an awesome kid and such a good friend. Love you man.  #NeverForgetOurFriendship

Friday, February 24, 2012


Ok. So to be honest I dont know what this is about but I'm just going to go with it. What is time? Is there a way to alter time because I swear when you want something time goes by like a snail moving along a leaf, and then when it comes time to actually do the thing which you spent so long waiting for actually gets there it goes by like lightning. I dont know, I dont think there is.. If there is then somone please tell cause I'm in some dire need of time altering right about now.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Well over my life I have had many fears. It started out when I was just a little tyke, I found myself very afraid of monkeys. I would often worry about a monkey coming and attacking me in the night, then as I got a little older the fear then went to big black dogs and I would have night mares of being attacked by them. Point being throughout my whole life I have had fears, I just think that over time those fears change and not only for me but I think that this is something that  we all go through and we have different fears in different stages of our life's the key is not to dwell on them and figure out what we can do to overcome them.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Rough looking Biker dude dead or alive.
May 28, 2012 the day you get here to celebrate one of the most exciting days in my life to this point. With Graduation comes allot; College, the big move, a new job, and the start to a new chapter of my life. In all honesty I cant wait! Part of me wants me to wait because I know that when I make the move the first week of June that my life will change forever. The amount of time that I get to see my friends and family out here will be limited so I understand that these next three months I really need to enjoy the time that I spend with everyone. I will enjoy the next three months and look forward to the day that I will be able to see you everyday.

The above is confusing ^^
So for that I apologies.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

You really want to know what love is? Well, it's really quite simple. It's kinda like... Gonna find my baby, gonna hold her tight, gonna grab some afternoon delight. My motto's always been "when it's right, it's right", why wait until the middle of a cold dark night? I love poetry, and a glass of scotch, and, of course, my friend Baxter. As I stated above,I love scotch. Scotchy, scotch, scotch. Here it goes down, down into my belly...

Now on a more serious note, love is an emotion that has so many feelings and emotions tied up into one and it packs a punch. Up until last July I had never known what it meant outside a family setting. Last July I was introduced to the girl of my dreams. She is one of the sweetest, caring, and loving girl I have EVER met! Since last July she is all I think about. If I'm having a bad day and I'm depressed her smile, her eyes, heck even hearing her voice just makes me happy and makes everything ok. I would do anything for her and she would do anything for me. I guess I am starting to ramble but I guess what I am trying to get at is...
Love is you couldn't, and wouldn't want to imagine your life without that person.
I, well I love Jill ;)
Just another day at the office.

Me, and my star studed Channel 4 News team